Von Duprin Self-Releasing Fire-Exit Latches. Biimmer Butts, Floor Hinges and Pivots. Dix Noiseless Parlor Door Hangers. Prescott Trackless Sliding Door Hangers. Howarth Self-Locking Sash Centres. Steiner blowers; Voegtly, Pittsburg, Pa. Giesey's Elevating Window Pivot. emerging Casement Window Hinge.
die of Princeton College. Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield, Mass. Peabody Museum, Yale College. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. New Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. Osseo Lodge, West Virginia. Perspective for Indiana State Capitol. Flank laundry for Indiana State Capitol. tan School, Sullivan, Indiana. Interior of Indiana State Capitol.